Friday, April 24, 2020

                                                     Bhago COVID-19

More than a billion completely Locked Down,
Instigates BALA the clown.
”First, look after the elders”: Venerable Modi intoned,
Societies expelling the servants left house full of elders entombed.
Seen officers sending orderlies to home,
The day, they get the Sam-Browne.
Earlier, seen in Netaji Nagar, even LDCs,
Call daftries for gardening and sundries.
Once a C O, you are on the go,
For an orderly at home till for ever you go.
But also seen para-proud ex E-in-C alone on his nimble feet,
Buying Canteen stores in “Q” at Lodi Colony without any fret.
But, manpower these days, wafer thin and lean,
Has made the system Modi-fication and clean.
Without Johnny on attachment or ration money,
All intent on defeating the enemy.
Bala, luckily you were in all courses graded CEE,
Apart from watering, you do not know about golf course or TEE.

Retiring after thirty years, you pedaled a bi-cycle all the way across,
The dear Lord was all along with you and did not let a cat cross.
Now, the same Legacy, Rock of Ages cleft for me,
Will heave our souls above whatever Corona it maybe.
We will not be meek or weak,
But stoop to conquer this pandemic.
From Olive- Green to Oliver Goldsmith,
Transition to protect, our Nation forthwith.
”Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey,
Where wealth accumulates and men decay:
Princes and lords may flourish or fade;
A breath can make them, as a breath has made;
But a bold peasantry, their country’s pride’
When once destroyed,can never be supplied.”
Now, dressed to kill with a dose of hypnotism,
The enforcing U P policeman of some favouritism;
Rise and shine you, Bala Madrasi,
You were always a studiously stupid stupendous Chaprasi!


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