Friday, September 6, 2013


Well, after my LL M Thesis I got  an opportunity to work on hypothesis etc. When the same bizarre question arose after an interval of nearly 33 years i studied the matter in detail, referred lot of peer material and am writing this  now.I intend pursuing the matter further and publishing it as a book in 2021, as part of the centenary celebrations of Panditji, who was the first to bring in this term"KC" in short. If i am not around by then, it is for my legal heirs, successors, assigns, or even well -wshers(if i have any by then) to do so.                                        
Question is whether  Kuttichchathans (KCs) exist? Answer is NO and YES. No, they do not exist by being a seperate species  but Yes,  some child or mentally un-grown child like person become Chathans(devils) under an external evil influence.                                                                                                                                                          
The Three ingredients in such scenario are:
1. Strife.( will be always there-Bhagwad Gita)
2 A neurotic person to become the victim. .(This is my improvement over Dr.M Scott Peck)Relatives of the victim may also be victims by proxy
3. A child or child like person.

 The remedy is not to be neurotic.